Vendor Application Process


Applications are closed for the 2023-2024 school year.

New applications for the 2024-2025 school year can be submitted starting July 1, 2024

Please note that while Independent Contractors for Element Education may be Independent Contractors for other schools, they shall not be an employee of an independent study charter school.

To apply as a Vendor with our organization, the Vendor must submit requests each year.  Please read the Vendor Services Instructions. Prospective Vendors may download the new Vendor Application/Agreement below or contact Vendor Services at for more information.

Once your application is approved, you will be emailed a Live Scan Request Form.

Review and Approval: The onboarding process for a new vendor will depend on the vendor’s application. For example, an incomplete application may cause delays.

Vendor Criteria

Vendors are independent contractors. As such, they:

  • make their own hours, determine their own rules, choose their own curriculum, etc.

  • bill by the job
    *Please note, as a publicly-funded entity, we may only pay for services provided while following the public health mandates

  • submit purchase orders monthly

  • provide their own materials for instruction

  • possess a business license

  • carry own commercial general liability insurance

  • carry workers' compensation if any employees other than self


Vendor Invoice Submissions

Please use the button below to submit vendor invoices.